We are the high-service distributor for electronic components

Bürklin delivers. Reliably and quickly, because we are located in the heart of Europe and have been in top form since 1954. We see ourselves as a high-service distributor for high-quality and innovative electronic products from leading manufacturers. In this way, we sustainably support our suppliers and customers.

Since 1954

Since 1954

The Bürklin story began in Munich in 1954 when Dr. Hans Bürklin founded the company as a wholesaler and retailer of radios, spare parts and accessories. But how do you stay successful for 70 years? You keep doing things new.

Flexibility, speed and reliability have made it possible to remain successful even in a constantly changing market environment. What special requirements do you bring? We listen, we think and we are constantly on the move. And then we deliver: the right components and complementary services for development, maintenance and training. Only high-quality and innovative products from over 500 leading manufacturers make it into our range.

We are proud that we have been a trusted partner for our manufacturers, suppliers and customers for 70 years and we look forward to continuing to bring your projects to success in the future. Bürklin delivers.

We are shaping the future of electronics distribution - sustainably and digitally.

Jürgen Lampert - CEO Bürklin Elektronik

Bürklin Elektronik enables progress. As a committed, reliable and competent partner, we are the first choice for suppliers, manufacturers and customers. We deliver tailor-made solutions that enable them to exploit their potential and thus become more sustainably successful.

Jürgen Lampert - CEO Bürklin Elektronik
Permanently in motion

Permanently in motion

We provide passionate advice, we deliver quickly, and we act reliably. Since 1954. Stagnation? Not with us. Because over 130 employees here are constantly moving forward and providing our customers with optimal and solution-oriented support.

We digitalizing processesand making product procurement more efficient and sustainable. Today, Bürklin already supplies itself almost entirely with climate-neutral electricity from renewable energies and wants to further expand its commitment to sustainability: for example, by expanding its product range with sustainable product lines, using environmentally friendly packaging, promoting e-mobility and reducing and offsetting CO2 emissions. We are constantly working to actively assume our responsibility for shaping the future.

Any questions about what the future holds? We know who delivers it. Bürklin delivers it.

Values shape our thinking and actions.


We think and act dynamically. With a constantly growing range of products, agile processes and the courage to break new ground.


We offer well-thought-out solutions. With the best product selection, tailor-made offers and leading expertise.

We deliver DIRECTLY.

We live a direct relationship with each other. Personally approachable, clear and uncomplicated, with short distances in every respect.

Bürklin delivers

Our History in Milestones

A Journey Through Time: The Most Significant Events in Our History

  • Neuer Markenauftritt


    New Brand Awareness

    Bürklin delivers. To mark its 70th anniversary and as an expression of its corporate vision, Bürklin is launching into the future with a new brand awareness.

  • Jürgen Lampert (CEO)


    New Managing Director

    Jürgen Lampert joins the company as the first external Managing Director. Veronika Tretter (née Bürklin) and Johannes Bürklin remain shareholders.

  • Generational Change: Veronika Tretter und Johannes Bürklin


    Generational Change

    Veronika Tretter (née Bürklin) and Johannes Bürklin join the company, while Ralph Bürklin leaves.

  • Bürklin Elektronik celebrates its 65th anniversary



    Bürklin Elektronik celebrates its 65th anniversary.

  • Digital Transformation: Introduction of a new online shop


    Digital Transformation

    Shipping of the final print catalog and introduction of a new online shop.

  • New Location of Bürklin Elektronik in Oberhaching


    New Location in Oberhaching

    Opening of a new location in Oberhaching near Munich.

  • Entry into Online Sales


    Entry into Online Sales

    First sale of products via the Internet.

  • Publication of the first self-created leaflet catalog.


    First Own Leaflet Catalog

    Publication of the first self-created leaflet catalog.

  • Dr. Hans Bürklin - Founder of Bürklin Elektronik


    Foundation of Bürklin Elektronik

    In October 1954, Dr. Hans Bürklin founded Bürklin Elektronik in Munich.